Fight or Flight? An Exploration of the Fight Response in a Horror Film
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghApril 19, 2023 fight flight freeze, flight or fight, freeze response, nervous system, nervous system regulation, stress responses, sympathetic nervous system0 comments
Welcome back to this series on the stress responses. Our hope is to untangle the web of confusion that has been spun surrounding these responses, and to demystify this innate human ability that we all possess and experience regularly. Our last two articles explored the freeze response—you learned how to recognize the differing stages of the freeze response in both Big T (catastrophic...
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Understanding the Freeze Response During Social “Threats”
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghApril 12, 2023 fight flight freeze, flight or fight, freeze response, nervous system, nervous system regulation, Parasympathetic nervous system, stress, stress responses, sympathetic nervous system0 comments
In our last blog, Stress Responses: What Are They, How Do They Work, and Why I am so Confused!?, you survived a vicious bear attack and learned how the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in when other responses fail. We explored different stages of the freeze response, and how to recognize them. You also learned some pretty cool new words, like neuroception and ventral vagal,...
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Stress Responses: What Are They, How Do They Work, and Why I am so Confused!?
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMarch 29, 2023 fight flight freeze, flight or fight, freeze response, nervous system, nervous system regulation, stress responses, trauma0 comments
The stress responses conversation has been ramping up on social media as we move closer to becoming a more emotionally intelligent and trauma-informed society. But what are stress responses, how do they work, how can I recognize if I am in one; and is it me, or do they keep changing? These are all valid questions that we will try to break down in this blog series.
By now, most of...
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“Mom Brain” or Something Else? Understanding Undiagnosed ADHD in Women
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMarch 21, 2023 ADHD, ADHD / ADD, ADHD in women, mom brain, new mom, undiagnosed ADHD in women0 comments
Many women report having “mom brain,” in which they report being forgetful, having difficulty concentrating, and being impatient. While “mom brain” has been proven to be a real phenomenon, it is typically reported by women who are pregnant or have young children. “Mom brain” is situational and typically goes away on its own. These same symptoms, however, can also be indicative of...
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What Are Intrusive Thoughts? And What Can You Do About Them?
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMarch 9, 2023 anxiety, CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, instrusive thoughts, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, post traumatic stress disorder, ptsd0 comments
Intrusive thoughts can occur at any time and are just as they sound—intrusive! Intrusive thoughts are thoughts that come out of nowhere, are involuntary, and can be difficult to get rid of. Common examples of intrusive thoughts include wondering if the doors are locked, if the stove or curling iron is turned off, or if people like you.
Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts at some...
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Know the Signs: “Baby Blues” vs. Postpartum Depression
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMarch 1, 2023 maternal mental health, new mom, new parent, postpartum, postpartum depression, self harm, suicide, suicide prevention0 comments
A new baby, whether your first, second, or seventh, can come with a lot of other “newness.” New responsibilities, new memories, new roles, new aches, new fears— parenthood comes with the good, the bad, and all the in between. Adjusting and finding ways to balance this new normal can easily overwhelm the best of us. While newness is one change that comes from bringing a baby into...
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The Five Love Languages, The Basics
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghFebruary 20, 2023 communication, couples communication, couples counseling, couples therapy, dating, healthy relationships, the five love languages0 comments
Have you ever felt like you were putting a lot of effort into showing love to your partner, but they just didn’t seem to be getting the message? Or maybe you have felt like you and your partner aren’t speaking the same language when it comes to showing affection. Learning which of the five languages is yours and which is your partner’s could be the key to unlocking a...
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Ever Feel Like A Fraud? Understanding Imposter Syndrome
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghFebruary 15, 2023 imposter syndrome, perfectionism, perfectionist0 comments
Imposter syndrome is not an official diagnosis, but it is a mental phenomenon where you consistently doubt yourself. It is hard for you to appreciate your own skills. Other people might even point out your accomplishments and how hard you worked to earn them yet you believe it is due to coincidence or luck.
You attempt to overcompensate by placing expectations that are hard to reach....
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Are These Relationship Expectations Holding You Back?
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghFebruary 1, 2023 borderline personality disorder, expectations, fairytale romance, healthy relationships, jealousy, narcissistic personality disorder, sexual chemistry, soulmates0 comments
I remember watching Cinderella as a young girl and dreaming about the day that I would find my own true love. After all, who wouldn’t want a prince to save them from the mundane tasks of everyday life? But it turns out that those Disney movies, and the relationship expectations they created for future relationships, held me back from establishing healthy relationships early on. I...
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Reading a Therapist Bio? Counseling Intern? Why That’s Great
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghJanuary 30, 2023 adult therapy, counseling, counseling intern, counseling near me, intern, Low cost counseling near me, sliding scale, therapists0 comments
Deciding to begin therapy is never an afterthought. Therapy requires a significant level of vulnerability. Add in the worry over choosing which therapist is the right one for you, makes the decision even more impactful. Imagine you’re reading a therapist bio on a therapy website and you see the word intern listed alongside a description of a provider. What would you think?...
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Is Losing Weight Your New Year’s Resolution? Advice From a Health Coach
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghDecember 29, 2022 body positive, body positivity, fad diets, health coach, healthy eating, healthy food, Intermittent fasting, keto diet, ketogenic diet, new years resolution, new years resolutions, resolutions, weight loss, weight management0 comments
Ah, the New Year! A clean slate, a fresh start, a new beginning—365 days of possibilities. Are you one of those folks who sets a slew of New Year’s Resolutions, including losing weight, only to find yourself unable to live up to those very high expectations?
Back when I taught fitness classes at various gyms, my classes would be PACKED in...
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Relationship Resolutions for 2023 from a Marriage Counselor
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghDecember 21, 2022 compassion, conflict resolution, conversations for couples, couples communication, couples counseling, couples therapy, gratitude, making up after fights, marriage, marriage counseling, new years resolutions, relationship, relationship conflict, relationship resolutions, resolutions0 comments
Setting Couples New Year’s Resolutions is a great way to create a stronger connection, reinforce your bond, and set expectations for the future. Having shared goals can help you both stick to your promises—the more effort you two put in, the stronger the relationship. If you’re looking for some goals to work toward with your partner, this list of 6 Relationship Resolutions...
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What is Trauma? Types, Symptoms, and Treatments
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghDecember 7, 2022 counseling for trauma, help for trauma victims, resilience to trauma, therapy for trauma, trauma, trauma counseling, trauma informed care, trauma therapy, types of trauma, what is trauma0 comments
What is Trauma?
When you hear the word trauma or trauma counseling what comes to mind? It is common for people to hear the word trauma and think of those one-time catastrophic events (car accidents, assault, robbery, natural disasters, etc.) that result in major injuries like broken bones, head injuries, or lacerations, and symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder...
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Gut Health and Mental Health, What’s the Link?
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghNovember 10, 2022 anti-inflammatory diet, anxiety, depression, dietician, dietitian, dietitian nutritionist, dietitian nutritionist near me, gut health, gut health and mental health, healthy eating, healthy food, intuitive eating, keto diet, mental health, nutrition, Nutrition Counseling, Nutritionist, registered dietitian, registered licensed dietitian0 comments
In more recent years, studies have been emerging that focus on the possible connection between gut health and mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression. The microbiome makes up all microorganisms in the human body. The microbiota encompasses all the microorganisms in a particular location, such as the GI tract. These together are developed while in the womb. During...
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What is Sex Therapy and How Can it Help?
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghNovember 2, 2022 sensate focus, sex therapist, sex therapy, sexual chemistry, sexual wellness, sexuality0 comments
Sexual intimacy plays an important role in our lives. The benefits of a healthy sex life have been linked to stress reduction, improved sleep, immune health, pain reduction, increased self-esteem, and increased closeness to a sexual partner; all-important aspects in living our happiest best lives! Sounds easy enough, have sex and be happy, right? Unfortunately for many, it is not...
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32 Questions to Ask Before Marriage
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghOctober 24, 2022 couples communication, couples counseling, couples therapy, premarital counseling, premarital counseling questionnaire, premarriage counseling, questions for couples, relationship, relationship conflict, relationship resolutions, wellness counseling0 comments
If you have recently answered ‘yes’ to a marriage proposal, then along with the rush of planning your version of the perfect wedding you also may also be considering whether you should be going to premarital counseling. Premarital counseling is a form of couples therapy that emphasizes wellness. Our counselors have put together a list of questions to ask before marriage to...
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How to Get the Most Out of Therapy
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghOctober 17, 2022 adult therapy, anxiety therapy pittsburgh, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive distortions, coping skills, counseling, counseling for anxiety, counseling for depression, counseling for depression pittsburgh, counseling monroeville, counseling near me, counseling pittsburgh, counseling south hills, counseling wellness, counseling wexford, depression counseling, depression therapy, generalized anxiety disorder therapy pittsburgh, greensburg counseling, how to get the most out of therapy, how to reach your goal, mental health, online counseling, psychotherapist, searching for a therapist in monroeville, searching for a therapist pittsburgh, south hills counseling, stress management, therapist in murrysville, therapists, therapists for depression, therapy for anxiety, therapy in wexford, therapy pittsburgh0 comments
If you’re here, congratulations on taking the first step and beginning therapy! Deciding to go to therapy is a major step in overcoming issues like anxiety or depression, healing trauma, getting support to cope with difficult life transitions, managing stress or working on developing healthier relationships. We asked the therapists at the Counseling and Wellness Center of...
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Signs Your Child Is Involved in Too Many Extracurricular Activities
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghOctober 5, 2022 anxiety in children, burn out, Child Anxiety, child counseling, children mental health, Extracurricular Activities for Kids, Overscheduled children, parenting, Parenting and Families, stress, stress management, teen anxiety, wellness for kids0 comments
Every good parent knows that providing an enriching environment lays the foundation for future success. Or does it? From summer camp, to instrument lessons, and afterschool programs, how many extracurricular activities are too many and where do parents’ good intentions bleed into something less helpful and even have the unintentional consequence of creating a stressful and...
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