April 13, 2018 by Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh counseling for depression pittsburgh, depression, depression counseling, depression therapy, symptoms of depression, therapists for depression, wellness counseling monroeville, wellness counseling pittsburgh, what is depression 0 comments
The cornerstones of a healthy and balanced life are creating personal meaning, savoring happiness, relishing success, the ability to think and produce ideas, to connect with others and feel good about ourselves. Depression is a major mental health disorder, as well as a national epidemic and disease. According to the National Institute of health, as many as 16.2 million people have experienced at least one episode of depression in their lifetime. Depression has significant ramifications and is debilitating, impacting a person’s ability to work, experience hope, and even rob their fervor for hope and in extreme cases it can rob a person’s will to live. Seeking treatment, including therapy for depression, is essential for recovering the ability to experience peace, happiness and to again respond to life. Depression also exists with significant co-morbidity, meaning that those who suffer the effects of depression are also more likely to suffer from other mental health disorders such as anxiety, or even substance abuse.
While it is true that a person of any age can experience their first major depressive episode, according to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the average age for first episode is in the mid 20’s. Biology seems to also play a role in the development of depression and there is a statically significant chance of developing depression for those who have a first degree relative who has the diagnosis. At other times, depression can set in while dealing with other physical health diseases or diagnoses. Keeping in mind, depression is far different from a slump, the blues, seasonal affective disorder, or grief although there is overlap in the expression of symptoms for each of these.

What are the signs of depression?
Symptoms of a major depressive episode are to experience simultaneously and for at least two weeks the following:
1) Marked and Depressed mood for the majority of the day.
2) A loss of interest in many or most favored activities of interest.
3) Loss of appetite or heightened desire to eat which results in significant and unintentional weight loss or gain.
4.) Hypersomnia or Hyposomnia meaning that one is sleeping too much or too little.
5) Impaired and slowed physical motion that is noticeable to others.
6) Feeling tired and exhausted.
7) Struggling with feelings of guilt, shame, or worthlessness
8) A newfound and diminished ability to hold concentration concentrate, or a marked indecisiveness.
9) Thinking of death.
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