Grief is an exquisite pain and the loss of a loved one due to death, or the loss of a partner or other important relationship results in emotional agony. While there is no way to expel the human reaction to painful separation, Grief Counseling can assist you in responding to your emotions in a way that supports positive emotional health and the acceptance of the realities of your loss.
Grief Counseling is a unique kind of therapy, as grief itself is different from other forms of emotions or mental health diagnosis such as depression. Grief Counseling respects that each person will have individual reactions to their hurt and that there is no time line that can truly accurately assess when the hurt will stop aching. It is also likely that life will be forever transformed by the power of losing someone very special. It is also true that losing someone who we were estranged from, or we had some conflict with is sometimes even more troubling than other kinds of grief.
For many grieving a loss, the feelings don’t fade with time or improve. Their emotions might be so intense that it disrupts their daily life. Living with complicated grief can bring up dysfunctional behaviors and unconventional thoughts. This chronic form of suffering can make it impossible to return to a healthy state of life. When normal grief does not go away, complicated grief occurs.
The best way to cope with complicated grief is by seeking out professional counseling and therapy. Treatment can help you focus on your condition and begin the process of healing. You can also join a bereavement support group to talk about your feelings of sorrow, pain, and loss. It’s important to know that you are not alone and that other people experience the same emotions.
How Grief Counseling Can Help
Grieving the loss of a loved one is one of the deepest pains humans can experience. Loss can create a hole so deep that it feels like we will never find our way out from drowning in the pain and sorrow of unanswered questions, shock, disbelief, anger, and a sea of “what ifs;” and that’s okay. It is okay not to be okay! Grief is natural human reaction to great loss, and there is not right or wrong way to grieve such a loss. Grief Counseling works at your pace and can help you by:
- Normalizing Your Experience: Allowing you to express your emotions and thoughts in a nonjudgmental safe space. There are no expectations or proper time frames for grieving such deep pain. We can hold space for all of your intense emotions until you are ready to begin moving through them.
- Providing Support: Support is a foundational concept of grief counseling. In this time when you feel alone and confused, we can provide compassion and support to help you find stability in such unsure times.
- Providing Coping Strategies: Grieving can cause physical pain and emptiness. We will work with you to develop healthy coping skills to help you weather the storm and find islands of calm during this tumultuous time.
- Facilitating The Grieving Process: We will sit with you and help you move through the pain through the exploration of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs surrounding your loss.
- Providing Guidance: In these uncertain times it’s normal to get lost in complex emotions. We often set aside practical life chores and challenges because in the grand scheme of our loss it’s difficult to put them into perspective. This is another natural reaction to such deep pain. We can help guide you through these practicalities with compassion and empathy so minimize the compounded consequences that can follow
Grief isn’t just caused by the death of a person but any loss can cause grief, including:
- Divorce or relationship breakup
- Chronic illness or disability
- Loss of a job
- Loss of financial stability
- Miscarriage or infertility
- Retirement
- Death of a pet
- Loss of a cherished dream
- A loved one’s serious illness
- Loss of a friendship
- Loss of safety after a trauma
- Loss of a home or community

Why Join a Grief Support Group?
In addition to individual Grief Counseling, joining a grief support group can be an invaluable source of solace and understanding. Grief support groups provide a communal space where individuals experiencing similar emotions can come together to share their stories and support one another through the challenging journey of grief.
- Professional Guidance: Experienced grief counselors bring professional knowledge and skills to the group, ensuring that discussions are led with sensitivity and expertise. Their guidance helps create a safe space for participants to express their emotions.
- Shared Understanding: Grieving the loss of a loved one or facing other types of profound loss can be isolating. In a grief support group, you’ll find individuals who can relate to your experiences, creating a shared understanding that helps alleviate feelings of isolation.
- Emotional Validation: Members of a grief support group offer emotional validation, acknowledging that your feelings of sorrow, pain, and loss are real and valid. This validation can be a crucial aspect of the healing process.
- Nonjudgmental Environment: Grief is a deeply personal experience, and individuals may cope in various ways. Grief support groups provide a nonjudgmental environment where each person’s unique journey is respected and accepted.
- Camaraderie: Being part of a grief support group fosters a sense of camaraderie. Knowing that you are not alone in your struggles can bring comfort and strength during difficult times.
- Learning from Others: Hearing others share their coping strategies and experiences can provide insights and inspiration for navigating your own grief journey. It can also offer different perspectives on the grieving process.
While Grief Counseling is crucial for individual healing, a grief support group can complement this by offering a sense of community and shared understanding.
Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and in the company of others who understand the depth of your pain, you can find the support needed to navigate the complexities of grief.
Meet Our Grief Counselors
Get Started with Grief Counseling
If you are interested in starting Grief Counseling, you can call us at 412-322-2129 or fill out the form below and someone will get back to you.
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