Getting Referrals for your Therapy Business
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 25, 2018 building a therapy business, counseling referrals, therapy referrals0 comments
Building Therapy Referrals for your therapy practice.
Getting Referrals for your Therapy Business
We know that for many therapists and counselors who are starting out opening a practice the day your open is such an exciting moment. So many new therapists have asked us, how do you get referrals, in our effort to help, we will share with you some time tested tips. You look forward to the...Learn MorePremarital Counseling Questionnaire
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 18, 2018 couples communication, couples counseling, couples therapy, premarital counseling, premarital counseling questionnaire, premarriage counseling, questions for couples, relationship, relationship conflict, relationship resolutions, wellness counseling0 comments
Premarital Counseling Questionnaire, prepare your relationship for a long happy marriage.
If you have recently answered ‘yes’ to a marriage proposal, then along with the rush of planning your version of the perfect wedding you also may also be considering whether you should be going to premarital counseling. Premarital counseling is a form of couples therapy that emphasizes...Learn MoreThe Dangerous Addiction that you use Everyday, Hint-It is not a drug!
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 10, 2018 addiction, anxiety, cell phone addiction, cell phone anxiety, counseling for addiction, help for cell phone addiction, social media addiction, therapy for addiction, video gaming addiction0 comments
Cell Phones are addictive according research and causing us extreme stress and anxiety.
The Dangerous New Addiction that you use Everyday, Hint-It is not a drug!
In a world of highly demanding home lives and work lives, where performance is prized above peace and calm, there is one object which is the focal point of so much of our attention. TO maintain peace, balance, and calm, our human...Learn MoreThe Amazing Natural Substance that treats Depression and Anxiety
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 5, 2018 anxiety, clinical herbalist, complementary medicine, depression, holistic health, integrative mental health, natural health, turmeric0 comments
Turmeric is a natural substance to treat anxiety and depression.
The Amazing Natural Substance that treats Depression and Anxiety
Want to manage anxiety and depression as well as double down on a dose of wellness? We have one incredible natural health, food substance to report to you. Turmeric is a rhizome and a member of the ginger family. Turmeric a major ingredient of Indian curries and has...Learn More