Habits that Make Us Happy: Understanding Hope
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghJuly 13, 2020 exercise for gratitude, hope, Understanding Hope0 comments
When looking for the definition of hope, it’s difficult to find merely one answer. Throughout the history of psychology, there have been numerous attempts to define hope. Hope is a human universal, and being universal, it falls into an interesting paradox; while all people experience hope, each individual’s experience is personal, intimate, and unique. Because there are so many ways to...Learn More
Peak Experiences Positive Psychology for Awe and Wellness
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 28, 2019 enhancing joy, how to be happy, peak experiences, what is a peak experience0 comments
When was the last time that you peaked? Felt the exaltation of true bliss, the innocent delirium of fulfilling pleasure uplifting your consciousness to a reality shift? A peak experience is the kind of long lasting joy which is available to all of us, when we have our minds right, our goals aligned, and our peace on high priority. It goes something like this, set off for a late spring trek in...Learn MoreIntegrative Wellness Group & Cardio for the Soul
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghJanuary 22, 2018 clinical herbalist, kinesiology, psychology, resolutions, wellness0 comments
Get in Motion: Move Through Life with Us
Integrative Wellness Group & Cardio for the Soul
Seeking individuals who have been wanting to utilize the effects of fitness to achieve greater physical and emotional health but have been feeling stuck in the process. Melissa Taylor is a licensed therapist and kinesiologist – trained and dedicated to help you to overcome the barriers that have...Learn MoreMindfulness in Motion, Moving Beyond Anxiety
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghJuly 14, 2016 counseling, mindfulness, psychology, psychotherapy, wellness0 comments
Mindfulness in Motion, Moving Beyond Anxiety
“Now days everyone replaces their emotions with Fear” Paulo Coelho
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
How much of our joy, our comfort, our desire do we replace with the sensation of fear and anxiety? We gain the promotion but then immediately start to wonder how will we maintain it; will we have the time required to devote to our new...Learn More“Peace Out Happiness; Why letting go of Happy may make us more Healthy!”
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 9, 2016 counseling, mindfulness, personal growth, popular culture, psychology, wellness, wisdom0 comments
“Peace Out Happiness; Why letting go of Happy may make us more Healthy ”
Letting go of Happy! CIAO!
In psychology, in pop culture, in our songs and movies, our social media, we hear words and anthems which suggest that all the world is happy or in search of happy. “Happy” is the new salvation, happiness is...Learn More50 Wellness Keys To Happiness
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 1, 2016 counseling, mindfulness, personal growth, wellness, wisdom0 comments
Meditation for Peace and Connection.
50 Wellness Keys to Living a Happy Healthy Life
Our therapists and wellness gurus have compiled a list of 50 happiness keys- Be Well PGH! Make peace with your past.
Have faith in the future.
Find love for everyone but love some very deeply, this may require learning how to love and feel.
Forgive yourself, forgive others, especially those who have not asked...Learn More