Reiki Healing Near Me
Immerse yourself in profound relaxation and rejuvenation with our 1-hour Reiki healing session. Experience the soothing energy of Reiki healing as it promotes holistic well-being and restores balance to your mind, body, and spirit.
What is Reiki Healing?
Reiki is valued for its ability to enhance peacefulness; to raise and expand one’s vibrations; to soothe emotional turmoil; and to help reduce anxiety, stress and/or depression. Reiki therapy works on expanding and enhancing the spiritual body. Many local hospitals are now working with Reiki masters, having them perform this healing on their sick patients to relax and reduce healing time.
Reiki healing is an ancient energy technique that works to raise vibrations and to cleanse energy. Your Reiki therapist tunes into the subtly flowing outpour of your Qui, ki, or chi, the life force that exudes from each human, and slowly places their hands above key chakra points on your physical body.
The result of reiki healing is the clearing of energy blockages, using a philosophy similar to that which allows acupuncturists to heal the physical body. By clearing the pathway for energy to flow, physical and emotional health can be restored and enhanced.
The knowledge of this energetic presence has a fascinating derivation. It is said that all Reiki Practitioners receive their abilities through the essence of the great Reiki master, Usui, who long ago sat atop a mountain in Japan. Usui’s ascension occurred in the midst of a 21 day meditation; it was during the last day that cosmic and ancient wisdom was revealed to him. Usui, with his new found ability became a great healer; it was only later in his life that he began to share this power with a select few, who then shared it with still a few more.
The process towards becoming a Reiki master is time honored and much coveted, only one who has reached the highest master level is able to transfer the full vibratory force from one person to the next.

What Can I Expect During A Reiki Healing Session?
Individual Reiki therapy sessions typically begin with the receiver laying atop a traditional massage table and in some cases a chair. The space may contain soft music, incense and candles. Reiki healing makes use of very light touch and often no touching at all.
The Reiki master serves as a channel for the divine energy which flows through each person—this energy outpours from the practitioner’s hands into the points on the recipient’s body, mind, or spirit, which are calling the practitioner’s sacred knowingness towards healing. The Reiki master will likely encourage you to drink extra water after your session and for the days to come.
Reiki can also be practiced from a distance—the Reiki master will call upon the power of ancient symbology to send the necessary vitality to the recipient.
Many people find it helpful to incorporate the bi-weekly or monthly practice of Reiki Therapy into their wellness program. At Counseling and Wellness Center of Pittsburgh, we take great pride in providing wellness offerings both from old and new healing modalities.
Meet Our Reiki Master
Book An Individual Reiki Therapy Session
After your payment is complete, schedule your Individual Reiki Healing Session with Reiki Master Shawn Fertitta by calling us at 412-856-WELL or contact us here. Simply indicate that you have paid for your session and would like to schedule.
We’re looking forward to assisting you on your healing journey!
Book An Individual Sound Healing with Reiki Session
After your payment is complete, schedule your Individual Sound Healing Session with Reiki with Reiki Master Shawn Fertitta by calling us at 412-856-WELL or contact us here. Simply indicate that you have paid for your session and would like to schedule.
We’re looking forward to assisting you on your healing journey!

Questions About Reiki Therapy Or Reiki Training?
Feel free to reach out to us by filling out the form below or calling us at 412-856-WELL if you have any questions about Reiki Therapy, Reiki Training, or any of our other wellness offerings. We’re here to support you on your journey to health and vitality.
DISCLAIMER: Reiki therapy and Energy healing are considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician.