Is Anger Genetic? Unraveling the Nature vs. Nurture Debate
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghAugust 7, 2023 anger, anger counseling, anger issues, anger management, anger management counseling0 comments
Am I made to be angry? One of my parents was so angry all of the time, I don’t want to be like that. I’ve heard anger is genetic, doesn’t that mean I will be like that too? Will my kids be angry if I am angry? People who struggle to control their anger frequently ask, ‘Is anger genetic?’ The answer is, it’s complicated. Both genetics and learned behavior play a role in...Learn More
Understanding and Overcoming Anger Issues: Tips and Strategies
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghJuly 23, 2023 anger, anger counseling, anger issues, anger management, anger management counseling, overcoming anger0 comments
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed by anger that you cannot seem to shake it off? Overcoming anger is a universal emotional journey that everyone encounters. However, for some individuals, managing this intense emotion becomes a challenging task. At times, uncontrolled anger can lead to destructive and impulsive behaviors, causing personal and relational turmoil in your life....Learn More
Don’t Wait to Get Help for Anger Management: Here’s Why
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghFebruary 28, 2021 anger, anger management, anger management counseling0 comments
Do you remember the last time you felt angry? Perhaps you were peeved that your kid left a sliver of milk in the jug and didn’t add it to the grocery list. Maybe a truck cut you off at the freeway entrance, and you muttered obscenities. Or maybe it’s hard to look back at the last time, because you punched a hole in the wall.
We All Get Angry
Though sometimes unpleasant, anger comprises a...Learn More
Managing Displaced Anger During Difficult Times
by Counseling and Wellness Center of PittsburghMay 27, 2020 anger management counseling, greensburg counseling0 comments
Managing Displaced Anger During Difficult Times
It has been said that anger is a secondary emotion, triggered by preceding fear, rejection, hurt feelings, humiliation, and sadness. With the current pandemic, restrictions on our daily activities, the uncertainties of our futures and our medical and financial wellbeing, it is no wonder people have been on edge. This disruption has been...Learn More