DiSC® Training
For Organizations
Organizations all desire to achieve high-level efficiencies, optimal productivity, reach established goals, maintain cohesiveness among team members, and receive high customer experience ratings. The DiSC® profile is a tool in obtaining these outcomes. On an individual level, by understanding one’s profile, he/she can work more productively. In peer-to-peer interactions, team members can relate more effectively. Understanding employee profiles can assist leaders in drawing out the best in their teams and thereby serve their customers well.
The DiSC® profile has been around for decades. In 1940, William Moulton Marston developed the first DISC® personality profile, and this version is still used today! Today’s electronic version is quick and comprehensive, both in completing the profile and getting the results.
The profile looks at four categories: D-dominance, I-Influence, S-Steadiness, C-Conscientiousness. All styles are of equal value, and everyone is a blend of all four.
The user completes a series of questions (usually about 15-20 minutes). The results provide the user with valuable information to know more about his/her particular style and how to operate more effectively in the work environment.
Positive results can be anticipated when implementing the DiSC® in the workplace. Employees have an opportunity to increase their skills and apply what they have learned to work better together and achieve the desired outcomes. The profile does not assess skills, talents, or aptitudes but rather how we express ourselves, connect with others, and exhibit behaviors in the workplace. For example, one organizational leader stated she now knows how to interpret a coworker’s behavior differently, which had led to misunderstandings and hurt feelings in the past.
How Much Does it Cost to Get DiSC Training for My Organization?
- The cost of the profile is $70/person.
- Amy White leads either a web-based or on-site training. For web-based, the ideal number is up to 15 people; on-site, the group size can vary.
- The cost to the organization (in addition to the individual user cost of the profile): $1,500 for the web-based or $1,700 for on-site, plus any additional travel costs
- The organization is responsible for handling the technology to set up the team event and process for staff to join in the training. The trainer will facilitate the users getting the instructions and link to complete the profile and create comparison reports if desired.
- Upon request, Amy will debrief the leadership team following the training.
About The DiSC Trainer
Amy White is a licensed professional counselor who has also worked extensively with organizations in leadership roles, hiring, training, team building, communication, and conflict management. She was educated as a DiSC® trainer by Dr. Mimi Hull of Hull and Associates and has been using the DiSC® profile for over twenty years to help organizations improve their hiring process, build strong teams, and facilitate communication and conflict management among staff and leadership.
For more information about Amy, visit amywildmanwhite.com. Amy can be reached via email: ajw@agelessideas.com or phone: 321.298.7705.
About The Everything DiSC Workplace® Learning Experience
Everything DiSC Workplace® is a virtual or classroom training and personalized learning experience that can benefit every person in the organization—regardless of title or position, department or function—in building more productive and effective relationships at work. It teaches participants to understand themselves and others, while learning to appreciate different priorities, preferences, and values each individual brings to the workplace. With personalized insights and actionable strategies, participants learn how to adapt to the style of others, ultimately improving engagement, collaboration, and the overall quality of the organization. Everything DiSC Workplace® is DNV certified as an occupational test tool. It is EFPA compliant and to be used for development purposes.
The Everything DiSC Workplace® assessment is currently available in 18 languages. All our translated versions benefit from the same theory, research and content as our DNV Certified English version. We’ve also normed all our translated versions according to local norm groups so you can be sure of a more accurate representation