Liz Geandreau
Family Therapist
Liz Geandreau, LPC has experience working with families in crisis to help them identify their strengths and coping mechanisms while working with them to resolve family problems to prevent future crises from occurring. Liz also has experience working through family struggles and utilizing their strengths to help identify issues that are keeping them from building healthy dynamic relationships. Liz brings authenticity and empathy to help foster a therapeutic relationship with her clients.
Liz approaches her clients and families without judgment or blame, not seeing the individual as the problem but rather, sees the client’s struggle through a broader lens. Liz provides therapeutic intervention services to children, adolescents, couples and families using Trauma- informed care, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Ecosystemic Structural Family Therapy (ESFT), Somatic Therapy, and Motivational Interviewing.
Education & Experience
Liz holds a Master of Science in Counseling Psychology from Chatham University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Washington & Jefferson College.
Liz has an expertise in working with family dynamics. She has helped couples navigate through their struggles while establishing family boundaries. Liz has worked with families who have gone through various types of trauma as well as helping parents develop skills to deescalate crisis situations. She is passionate about working with families to help strengthen relationships and family bonds and to increase the parental system to be able to support their children better. Liz has completed rigorous trainings through the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic over the past two and a half years to develop competencies in family therapy.
She has experience working with individuals who suffer from a wide variety of disorders, including anxiety, depression, bipolar, and personality disorders. Liz has a background in treating individuals who suffer from addiction. Through the use of Motivational Interviewing, Liz helped clients realize their own abilities to make the changes they desire. It is important to Liz to first establish a good rapport to be able to help the client navigate their treatment. She has integrated interventions such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help clients engage in healthy thinking and behavioral patterns.
Liz has integrated Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) in her practice to help children and adolescents develop life-long skills. She holds advanced training in DBT to be able to offer her clients mindfulness skills, emotion regulation skills, distress tolerance skills, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. DBT allows a greater focus on emotional and social aspects to help people cope with extreme and harmful behaviors.
Liz moved to Pittsburgh in 2011 to play volleyball for her college team. She has since found herself to be embraced by the Pittsburgh community and calls it her home. She enjoys traveling and spending time with her friends, family, and her two cats Dapper and Delilah.
How to Get Started
Liz provides in-person therapy at our Pittsburgh location as well as Online Therapy. You can reach us at 412-856-WELL or email us at info@counselingwellnesspgh.com to get started. Or contact us here.